The maximum pensionable earnings under the Canada Pension Plan will be $68,500.
up from $66,000. in 2023. The basic exemption amount remains at $3,500.
Starting in 2024 a higher second earning ceiling of $73,200. will be implemented
and used to determine second additional CPP contributions (CPP2).
The result being pensionable earnings between $68,500. and $72,200 are
subject to CPP2 contributions
Contributions and Rate Amounts
Employeer and Employee rates for 2024 remain at 5.95%, and the maximum contribution will be $3,867.50 each up from $3,754.45 The self employed CPP contribution rate remains at 11.90% and the maximum contribution will be
$7,735. up from $7,508.90 in 2023.
Employer and employee CPP2 contribution rates will be 4.00% and the
maximum contribution will be $188. each. The self employed CPP2 contribution
rate will be 8.00 % and the maximum self employed contibution will be $376. Contributors are not required or permitted to make contibutions on
pensionable earnings above $73,200.